Eye-Opener® presents: The Pharmacy House. Step into your own pharmacy and brew the most beautiful miracle medicines for your family and friends. Finished up to the finest details, completely in the pharmacist theme.

This luxury playhouse features:

- A panoramic window
- Ambient lighting
- Custom pharmacy decoration
- Two floor

- A balcony
- A metal slide
- A sandbox
And much more!

Dreaming of your own unique playhouse?
We like to think along and make your biggest childhood dreams come true.
Contact us via the contact form or send an e-mail to info@eyeopenerdecors.com

The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
The Pharmacy House
I want to become a daydreamer
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